We are who we are. Right? We are not born a certain way, or are we? We grow into the person we are destined to be. True? There is only black and white in life. Grey does not exist or does it? Your parents are always right, but what if they are not? If you do not follow the bible, you are going to hell, but God loves all correct? Being gay is wrong and if you are, well enjoy the disaster you are about to take on.
Hold on. That last one. Being gay is wrong. I thought we were supposed to love everyone. I thought God loved all sinners. I mean remember in that Bible, the so-called only way of life, where Jesus loved murderers and prostitutes, and even the one who betrayed him dis-included those who love who they love? You mean if I am as I am than I am broken? Going to hell. Going to die of AIDS or by some hypocrite who decides I am not worthy to live.
This does not make any sense. I am told to be who I am and to grow into the person I am destined to be but if I do so then I am a devilish person. This sounds like the old testament. Did these “Christians” not read the new testament? I feel something big is being left out. How about that verse, the one where they talk about throwing the first rock? Or how about the one where God loves all, including sinners and that all sins are considered the same? I mean there is even a verse regarding not judging anyone because there is really only one judge.
So, someone explain. Why are gays, lesbians, non-binary, queers, and such judged for simply living their own life and loving everyone? There are so few of us that live as the others who do us wrong. Instead we are forced to turn the other cheek or live in the shadows. Because it is 2020 that must mean the old fashioned have perished and the world is open minded. Right? It means we can go out of Austin and we will not receive those hateful glances or catch someone rudely talking behind our backs not realizing they are much louder than they think. Why is it that those who are not supposed to judge are almost always the ones who judge others the most. The ones who disagree with how someone lives are the ones who preach the hardest.
Let me ask you. Do you think if you force the gospel on us that we will just decide to stop being who we are? Do you really believe that the sign you hold at our celebrations is going to send us into hiding? Do you expect us to stop living and loving because you do not like it? Come on. Just let us be. We do not stand on your terrain and tell you to stop being straight. We do not yell at you that you are going to hell. I mean who do you think you are? Better than us?
People do not realize the persecution the LGBTQN group still receives. How many children hide in fear because there will always be bullies in school or on the streets waiting to beat them straight. How many children are disowned by their families because they chose to love as we were all meant to love, with unconditional strength. How many Queens have to be careful of walking outside after a show because someone could be outside waiting with iron to blow into their blood. How about those who choose to just be themselves and leave the labels behind. How dare they neglect whether they were born with a dick or vagina. How dare they change themselves to be who they are most comfortable as. There is only black and white so if you are not doing what the world expects than forget it. Peace will never exist for you.

Goodness. Do you know how long it has taken me to be at this point in my life? I will tell you. Twenty- six years. Ever since the day I was entered into the foster care system until about two years ago. When I was pushed to a breaking point. When I was going to end my life because it became so overwhelming to be told day after day how much of a screw up, I was. Surviving that day showed me it was time to move on and let go. To no longer care what others thought or said about me. I was who I was. I am who I am. I am happy with who I am, and I know what kind of person I am so if anyone has a judgement against that, I cut them out as quickly as I let them in. No more negativity allowed openly.
There are so many people I try to leave footprints on and to show them this is such a better, happier, less stressful life. I finally get to be happy for myself about myself. It is freeing. It takes time and discipline and sometimes constant reminders that I am great, but it is doable. Everyone should feel it. Everyone should still fight for themselves and ignore all judgmental thoughts, even against yourself. This is my advice for those who hate against us. Just breathe in, now out, now let it go! Not your life so keep your nose to yourself. Love is not the problem. It is the hate in this world. It is the fear that people hold so close because they are not open to learning something new or something they are not used to being around. It is okay. You can have that decision to hold. Please just let everyone be as they are though.
So, we are who we are. Correct. You be you and we will be us. We are born a certain way. Correct. Some are born with open minds and open arms where some are born stuck and scared. We grow into the person we are destined to be. Correct. Live freely and love just the same. There is only black and white. Wrong. Life is life. Some things may be great to others and horrible to the opposites. It's life, full of opinions. Your parents are always right. Wrong. No one is always right. No one is perfect. If you do not follow the Bible, then you are going to hell. Guess we will find out. Being gay or anything of the like is wrong and you will soon find a disaster to take on. Do not judge. Just live your life. I will live mine.